Home / Sedex


Sedex, the Supplier Ethical Data Exchange, is a not for profit membership organisation dedicated to driving improvements in responsible and ethical business practices in global supply chains.

Sedex offers a simple and effective way of managing ethical and responsible practices in your supply chain. Sedex core product is Sedex Advance, a secure, online database which allows members to store, share and report on information on four key areas:

  • Labour Standards
  • Health & Safety
  • The Environment
  • Business Ethics

UICL understands all these issues and can perform the necessary assessment /Improvement to help you achieve satisfactory SEDEX Inspection.


Our Expertise

UICL  can help every client in the industry to meet the highest standards of quality.

Our Unique features:

  • Cost Effective services.
  • Our certificates can be verified Online on website.
  • Cheapest rate with best services.
  • Fast and Reliable Services
  • Valid in Supplier Evaluation
  • Valid National & International Level

Want to join our team?

We are always looking for talented people, We here to help you to open your bright future.