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GLP- Good Laboratory Practices

Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) is a set of principles that provides a framework by which laboratory studies are planned, performed, monitored, recorded, reported and archived. Under the GLP compliance program, UICL ensures that the facilities registered have their studies conducted in accordance with the Principals of Good Laboratory Practice. youcan get benefit from GLP registration in many ways. Greater market access is a key benefit.

GLP registration assures the authorities that the data from your facilities are a true reflection of the results obtained from the studies and they can be relied upon when making assessments of hazards or risks to man, animals and/or the environment. It also demonstrates that your facility has well-trained personnel, effectively designed protocols, and sample resources in carrying out non-clinical studies.

What this means is your facility will enjoy greater access to international markets, avoid duplication of safety testing and further animal testing. UICL understands all these issues and can perform the necessary assessment /Improvement to help you achieve GLP.


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  • Fast and Reliable Services
  • Valid in Supplier Evaluation
  • Valid National & International Level

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